Our experienced maintenance team is here to provide outstanding service daily from simply changing light bulbs and air filters to emergency after hours maintenance.
after hours emergency needs
The following are considered emergency maintenance issues—call (270) 535-0333 to request maintenance.
severe water leak?
Call immediately.
no air conditioning?
When outside temperature is 80 degrees or hotter, call.
no heat?
When outside temperature is 50 degrees or cooler, call.
refrigerator not working?
Call immediately.
toilet not working?
Call after hours ONLY if you have a one bedroom, one bath apartment.
locked out?
If you are locked out of your apartment, please call a local locksmith of your choice.
request maintenance:
after hours emergency maintenance
For after-hours emergency maintenance needs, please call (270) 535-0333. Follow the prompts to execute an emergency maintenance page-out request.